My Favorite Things
Since I've been doing pretty heavy posts as of late, I decided to be light hearted today and give yall my favorite tweets!!! Enjoy!
- KayeSedia I love @87Pistol's blog, especially the name "Mason Jars & Matriculation" I think I'm gonna document my last year of college w/ 1.
- skinnyjeanius on my team you have one time to slack - then you will slack no more - on my team
- itsPrincey "I think #hoshit is like a credit report..... after 7-10 years, it's forgiven." This is why I love PCE.
- BitchieChicks When choosing between a man and your dreams, remember a career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore.
- vinabean When you heard "The Boy Is Mine" for the first time, you considered Monica the winner. You know you did. Don't lie.
- ladyw87 I wish I would "relocate" for love. Da fuck outta hea. Relocate for a SPONSOR though.
- TheDailyLove I'm choosing to be 100% myself and I love how strange that seems to other people! I am unique! #TDL#LoveYourself
- TheXDExperience He said, "The man I want and the man I'm going to marry are two completely different people" I'm growing to accept this as well.
- lovebscott by the time you finally get the memo #imoffthat
- Oveous #Its2010WhyYouStill in denial of a Woman's ability to heal wounds
- OGOchoCinco @87Pistol very good and the play was way before the movie came out, grandma and grandpa took me to it when i was young
- OGOchoCinco @87Pistol freedom is coming-our father etc. awesome songs from the movie, i saw the play years ago at the GUSMAN in MIAMI
- Nothinbuttreble #imattractedto- Presence.. not swag... but grown man's command of the room.
- lovebscott Make no apologies for doing what's best for you.
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